Bored as Hell from Flickr by doylshafer
Traveling with children can be a challenge and traveling abroad sounds almost impossible. I mean traveling at home, you know the language, can get information easily and you feel confident in what you can do.
But it can be a daunting task to consider taking your children abroad simply because you may not know the language, the food might be ?strange? to your kids, and you are at the mercy of guidebooks which usually never address children, teens?or family travel.
We tend to think that if we take our children on a trip someplace we have to visit places that are family or child centered and that those are the only places you can visit while your children are young. A trip abroad is for adults, people with knowledge and the ability to understand ?Don?t Touch!?.
If this were true, then there are only children in your country and none in any other, right? Well we know that there are children all over the world which means that families go on outings. But there is a difference between going on outings to parks and zoos and then there is traveling with children to places you are unfamiliar with.
You have to consider so many things:
- How do I prepare for going someplace like Japan?
- Where do I go to go to keep my kids (and me) from going crazy?
- What can I do to help my picky eater eat in a foreign country?
- How do I travel so that I do not have to constantly deal with temper tantrums?
It may be difficult to consider Japan as a good destination abroad for a family; different eating habits, lots of old places, ?strange foods?, and a language you don?t know. But Japan is actually pretty family friendly.
In this series, we will discuss how to travel to Japan with kids and teens and help you plan the greatest trip your family will ever take.
In the meantime, check out locations we think are good for kids, teens and families.
By?Justin Dart, Gifu Partner for
Follow Justin and learn more about?Gifu?on Twitter?@gifujptourist?or on?Facebook
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