Saturday, September 1, 2012

Cheating Men The Thicko's And The Sicko's

Cheating Men the Thicko\'s And the Sicko\'s

A lot of women always ask, "Why do men cheat", because they can. Cheating men are basically guys who don't really want to commit "the players", the harsh reality of it all is that he probably never loved you. Cheating is not worth losing that special someone you really love.

Thicko's are major cheaters who sleep with ton's of women if they are in a relationship, while a sicko is the type of cheater who cheats on you with one woman. Men not only cheat because they can, but they also cheat because they probably felt like you were not doing your part in the relationship, or as men call it "being bored". You have to be spontaneous in a commited relationship, also communication.

If you ever feel like meeting the right guy is by going to a club then think again, i'm not judging anyone, it's just that guys dancing at a night club are only look for one thing, if you end up giving it to him then expect him to date you then it just proves your standards are jacked up. (I know, harsh).

You have to make a man want to respect you. If he is doing something that you don't like then you should tell him (communication). Men are like dog's, you have to put them on a leash and train them to do what's right and what's wrong, if a dog poops in the house then you smack his nose and put him outside, if your man acts up then the best thing you should do is talk to him about it and don't give him your cookies till he has learned his lesson. If you don't train your man then you are gonna end up heart broken because guys find girls with standards very sexy. A guy might think a girl in red pumps and a tight dress with jacked up standards is sexy as well, but over all a guy will choose a good girl with good standards in a heartbeat.

Face it ladies no woman likes being cheated on by a sicko and expecially a thicko. When you look at yourself in the mirror who do you see, you see yourself and that image is never gonna change even if there is a man or isn't a man in your life. So keep your head up and show off your confidence, cause no matter who has cheated on you, if you show off your confidence then men will respect you. Confidence and respect are the two sexiest things alive.


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